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Authenticated ‘Ping’ with sensitive data#

Use /authenticate-with-secrets to test whether your encryption/decryption logic for sensitive information correctly implemented.




Key Value Type Description
X-FLYNN-S-REK Sensitive, Base64 String RSA Encrypted data

ref: request-encryption-key-in-header
X-FLYNN-S-DATA Sensitive, Base64 String AES Encrypted data

ref: sensitive-header-value

With, addition to the headers described above also set all required headers to make an authenticated API call.



Successful 'Ping' - i.e., you are able to make ‘authenticated’ call with the secret data.


  "data": {
    "message": "pong",
    "client-message": "X+UmK6iD5Dh6f3Y2he+2aM2AmKVqAVJC0os9j3D97ublPfEKSAuOAzPrBd+/h6OF"

here ‘client-message’ contains the sensitive message received by the server. Client should be able to decrypt it using the REK which sent in the header in the request.

Errors (4xx and 5xx):#

Common Errors

check documentation for common errors