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Cancel E-way Bill#

Available only in sandbox.

Cancel EWB via IRN offers single EWB cancellation as opposed to its enriched counterpart.



  • active ‘flynn-version’: v3.0
  • method: POST

URL Parameters#

Name Description Type
flynn-version version of the API
for example, v3.0
irp IRP Provider as per GST registration for e-invoicing enum (nic)
e-invoice-api-version E-invoice API version string


All headers as mentioned in the Basic E-Invoice API introduction.


The only valid values for the header keys Content-Type and accept must have to be application/json.


Body consists of the payload guided by IRP documentation present on this page

Please refer the following request body for reference-

Sample request body

"ewbNo": 161001728242,
"cancelRsnCode": 2,
"cancelRmrk": "Cancelled the order"



Successful response will have the cancelled e-way bill entry in “data” attribute as a String.

Sample response body

    "status": "1",
    "data": {
        "ewayBillNo": "261009976404",
        "cancelDate": "13/04/2023 11:22:00 AM"
    "error": null,
    "info": null,
    "additionalInfo": null,
    "alert": null

E-invoice errors are mentioned under common errors for v3.0 api.